Friday, 4 November 2011


Evaluation for ‘OVERLOOKED’ college magazine.
To make sure I attracted my audience, I asked a group of peers both male and female what they would like to be included in a college magazine. The males wanted it to contain information on the latest updates of the sports teams and the females wanted it to give them information on when the social events and parties where taking place. I used both these interests as ideas for the stories and headlines within the magazine. This shows research that I have being around the college to find likes and dislikes.
The target audience for my magazine is college students between the ages of 16-19. The magazine will provide students with the updates of college, when, where and what events where taking places. However, even though it is aimed at students, if teachers are interested in what events are taking place within the college, then this magazine will provide them with this information.
My magazine has been specifically produced to represent college students as being socially active as well as progressing their education. I have chosen a smiley student to attract the audience. The student was quite shy but I gave her the confidence to just smile through her shyness.
'OVERLOOKED' uses conventions of real media products, as on the cover I have used a variety of conventions, these include a masthead at the very top of my magazine, the date of the magazine which is above the barcode, the issue number above the barcode, a bar code in the bottom left hand corner, a teaser also a main feature headline, small features down the left third, a medium close-up of a student in full colour and also different font and sizes.
I found constructing this magazine relatively easy, as I have had plenty of practice using Photo shop from the previous task. I now feel more confident that I can do well when producing a task with it. Having to produce a plan and notes on Prezi was quite difficult as this piece of media was new to me. I believe that I need more practise using it for future usage. To take my photographs I used a 14mega pixel compact digital camera with flash, this made my photos look high quality and clear.
India whiteley.

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